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The Government of The Bahamas is committed to advancing innovation and excellence in Special Education to enhance the development of all children, particularly those with special needs. To address this mandate the government has embarked on several initiatives:


  1. The Drafting and implementing of National Standards for Inclusive Education.

  2. Designing and implementing The Bahamas National Screening Programme (BNSP) to locate, identify and refer all first-grade students who are presenting with developmental delays.  This BNSP facilitates the identification of students with learning disabilities prior to the development of a pattern of failure.

  3. The Marjorie Davis Insitute for Special Education, on the site of the former Our Lady's Catholic Primary School, was developed to make a difference by providing quality education to students with learning disabilities through Intervention, Training, Diagnostic Assessments and Research

  4. Implementing comprehensive Professional Development Programmes to build capacity among educators for inclusive education through professional development activities.

  5. The Special Education Unit has a complement of two Senior Education Officers, One School Psychologist, Three Clerical staff members, 128 Special Education Teachers and 44 Teacher's Aide. The staff maintains 16 Self-Contained  Classrooms (K-12), 10 Resources/Support Programmes. 6 Special Schools, 8 Alternative Programmes and 1 special Education Intervention Centre.


With these initiatives as the foundation, the vision of the Unit to build and enhance programmes and support services that will foster overall school improvements to enable all students to achieve high academic performances and functional skills for independent living.


Accomplishments of the Special Services Unit include:


  • Continuous dissemination of National Standard for Inclusive Education Booklets.

  • Ages & Stages Questionnaire -  3 (ASQ-3) Screening (1st Level Screening)

  • Ages & Stages Questionnaire -  3 (ASQ-3) Screening) Annual Training Workshops for all Grade 1 teachers, Administrators, Resource Support Teachers and Literacy Coordinators.

  • One Hundred & Twenty-Two (122) grade 1 Government School Teachers trained in the administration of ASQ-3 from New Providence during the past 2 years.

  • Summer Workshop held from the 6th - 9th July, 2015, under theme : "Learning Blocks of Excellence in Literacy & Numeracy."

  • Daily Living & Independent Skills Workshop for Special Educators at T.G. Glover Professional Development Institute; 18th - 19th February 2015.

  • Registration of one hundred and twenty-four (124) Students.








Guidance & Counselling

SEO - Mazorian ‘Zoe’ Powell  (Supervisor)

S/M - Clevette Gibson (Assistant)




Special Education

SEO - Sharon Dean-Laing

SEO - Dr. Carolynn Hall-Knowles




Speech Therapy

ADE - (Actg.) Sharon Clarke

SLP III - Keva Ferguson



School Psychological Services

SP II - Sterling Gardiner

SP - Antoinette Lewis-Deveaux



School Attendance

SAO - Anzlo Strachan

SAO - Frederick Mcphee




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The Bahamas’ Ministry of Education & Technical & Vocational Training (MOETVT) has responsibility for more than 50,000 K-12 students in approximately 170 educational institutions in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, which are dispersed over 14 districts in the major islands. Our goal is to increase the graduation rate from 50% to 85% by 2030. The MOE aims to create an educational system that is technologically sound and competitive and that develops the strengths of each child, whether academic or otherwise, towards the maximum contribution that he/she is able to make to the national development of The Bahamas.

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