The Ministry of Education has a staff complement of over 4,000 teachers, professional, technical, administrative and support staff which constitutes approximately 25% of the total staff complement of the entire Public Service. This Ministry, therefore, arguably has the largest staff complement in the Public Service. Invariably, its size lends itself to numerous complexities and challenges. Key among them is those relating to the management of its Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS).
The largest group of employees are in the Department of Education where human resource matters relating to teachers and their functioning in the public education system are predominantly addressed. Service delivery, however, in both the Ministry and the Department covers the entire spectrum of Human Resource Management.These areas include, but are not limited to: Employment Management Performance ManagementWork Organization Human and Social Relations ManagementProfessional Development Management; and Compensation ManagementThese Human Resource Management Systems collectively contribute to the efficiency, merit and structural capacity of the Ministry.Their application is intended to create a move effective, efficient and 'customer centric' Human Resource Management Division that is fully aligned and complementary to the strategic vision, mission and priority areas of the Ministry. In addition to yielding a manpower strategy that contributes to the holistic development, welfare and well-being of its employees.
This focus not only serves to provide support to all of the schools, sections and units which fall within the purview of the Ministry and Department of Education but it also ensures that employees remain current with cutting edge Human Resource Management practices.The focus on the goals and objectives to enhance and improve the Ministry's and Department's effectiveness and efficiency from a Micro-perspective entails the following: Continuous and timely formulation of relevant programmes and policies regarding the welfare and well being of employees;Frequent and timely meetings with all relevant stakeholders;Formulating and implementing specific training programmes to empower staff and improve their performance and hence enhance their professional development;Consistent and timely monitoring of performance appraisal systems;Conducting Manpower Audits/Needs Assessments and organizational alignment to ensure the maximum use of resources in tandem with the Ministry's mandate;Ensuring the adequacy of Human Resource Development plans and forecasts and;Monitoring staff to maintain good morale and improve productivity as required.
One of the primary thrusts of the Ministry's Human Resource Management Division is to improve the systems and processes presently employed in its day to day operations. Of necessity, the following will be required.facilitate personnel file review; update of employee data; identify outstanding human resource matters; identify gaps in human resource processes and procedures; and identify training needs for career development.

Applicants interested in applying for work in the public sector can do so by downloading the forms below.
The following original documents MUST be presented at the time of interview:
Birth certificate
Original academic certificates
Medical and police certificates
Two (2) references
Documentary proof of relevant teaching experience
To request more information:
Human Resources Office
Clothida Whymms
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm
Email: clothida.whymms@moe.edu.bs
You can also request more information with this form: